Tag: Atrial Fibrillation
Burden of New-Onset A-Fib Considerable After TAVI, AVR
Odds of in-hospital mortality increased in TAVI, AVR hospitalization with new-onset atrial fibrillation
β-Blockers May Moderate Impact of Stress on Atrial Fibrillation
Likelihood of atrial fibrillation episode up during anger or stress; β-blockers can attenuate effect
Preablation Bariatric Surgery Linked to Reduced A-Fib Recurrence
Bariatric surgery was only independent predictor of arrhythmia-free survival in multivariate analysis
ACC: Catheter Ablation Does Not Cut Mortality, Stroke in A-Fib
But it is associated with more favorable quality-of-life end points at 12 months versus medical therapy
Most A-Fib Patients Have at Least One Identifiable Trigger
Triggers more commonly associated with family history of atrial fibrillation, less likely with CHF
Long-Term Incidence of A-Fib Increased in Women With Breast Cancer
Women younger than 60 years have increased short-term, longer-term risk
NOACs Recommended as First-Line Prevention of Stroke in A-Fib
Updated guidelines also emphasize weight loss for overweight, obese patients with atrial fibrillation
Moderate Drinking Linked to Electroanatomic Changes in A-Fib
Moderate drinkers had lower mean global bipolar voltages, slower conduction velocity vs. nondrinkers
Catheter Ablation Tops Drug Therapy for A-Fib in Heart Failure
Meta-analysis shows 6.95 percent increase in LVEF with ablation
High Sodium Intake Associated With New Atrial Fibrillation
Cumulative proportional probability for AF events greatest for those in the highest quartile of salt intake