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Tag: Asthma

For children and younger adults with asthma

Asthma Mortality Inversely Tied to Deprivation in English Young

For those aged 5 to 44 years, positive link for deprivation with asthma prevalence, admissions
Children living in neighborhoods with low walkability are at increased risk of asthma

Low Neighborhood Walkability Increases Risk of Asthma in Kids

Findings among children for both incident asthma and ongoing asthma

Disagreement Seen Over Barriers to Kids’ Daily Use of Asthma Meds

Children, caregivers, clinicians cite different barriers, including medication running out, being 'pain to take'
For patients with persistent asthma

Adjuvant Long-Acting Muscarinic Antagonist Improves Asthma

Versus adjuvant placebo, LAMA or LABA plus inhaled corticosteroids lowers risk of asthma exacerbations
Bronchial thermoplasty can treat severe asthmatic cough that is unresponsive to conventional therapies

Bronchial Thermoplasty Can Improve Severe Asthmatic Cough

Case report describes improvement in female patient with 2.5-year history of chronic cough
Quintupling the dose of inhaled glucocorticoids seems not to be effective for preventing exacerbations among children with asthma

Quintupled Glucocorticoid Dose No Help in Pediatric Asthma

But quadrupling dose of inhaled glucocorticoids may be beneficial for adolescents, adults with asthma
Women with current asthma who use intermittent reliever treatment with short-acting beta-agonists have reduced fertility

Female Infertility Tied to Asthma Managed With Rescue Inhalers

No link to infertility for those with former asthma, or for those with asthma preventer medications
Maternal prenatal and early childhood intake of sugar-sweetened beverages and fructose is associated with current asthma in midchildhood

Prenatal, Early Life Fructose Intake Associated With Asthma

High intake of sugar-sweetened beverages during pregnancy and early childhood linked to asthma
Fractional exhaled nitric oxide measurement can diagnose asthma in individuals aged 5 years and older with moderate accuracy

Fractional Exhaled NO Moderately Accurate to Diagnose Asthma

FeNO measurement performs better in diagnosing non-smokers, children, and steroid-naive patients
New evidence regarding safety is spurring the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to remove a Boxed Warning from certain inhaled medications used to treat asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

FDA Removes Boxed Warning From Certain Asthma Medications

Decision applies to long-acting beta agonists used in combination with inhaled corticosteroids