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Tag: Arthritis: Rheumatoid

A new biological drug to treat rheumatoid arthritis and other inflammatory diseases has been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

FDA Approves Biosimilar Drug Erelzi for Rheumatoid Arthritis

Erelzi is a biosimilar for Enbrel; treats RA and other inflammatory diseases
Electronic stimulation of the vagus nerve may help ease symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis

Vagus Nerve Stimulation May Ease RA Symptoms

Treatment appears to work for patients who aren't responding to drugs
Patients with rheumatoid arthritis rarely use triple therapy (methotrexate

Triple Therapy Rarely Used for Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients

Factors tied to intensification to triple tx include age, region, outpatient visits, glucocorticoid use
Psychosocial factors may be more important than traditional clinical measures in predicting functional disability in the first year after a rheumatoid arthritis diagnosis

Psychosocial Factors Predict Functional Disability in RA

Depression, anxiety, missed work, unemployment are predictors of disability at one year

European League Against Rheumatism, June 8-11

The European League Against Rheumatism 2016 Annual European Congress of Rheumatology The annual meeting of the European League Against Rheumatism was held from...
Cannabinoids may have limited benefits in rheumatic conditions

Possible Benefit for Cannabinoids in Rheumatic Conditions

Review shows limited benefit in terms of pain relief, sleep; mild to moderate adverse effects
For patients with rheumatoid arthritis

Glucocorticoid Use Ups Diabetes Risk in Rheumatoid Arthritis

Risk influenced by dosage and duration of treatment for glucocorticoid use in past six months
For patients with rheumatoid arthritis

Prednisone Use Linked to Increased Risk of Mortality in RA

Risk attenuated when patients are treated with combination of prednisone and methotrexate
Probiotic supplementation seems beneficial for patients with rheumatoid arthritis

Probiotic Supplements Beneficial in Rheumatoid Arthritis

Beneficial effects seen on Disease Activity Score of 28 joints, insulin levels, HOMA-B, hs-CRP
For patients with rheumatoid arthritis

Discordance for Radiologic, Goniometric Measures in RA

Discordance in measures of digital ulnar angulation at the metacarpophalangeal joints