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Tag: Arthritis: Rheumatoid

Chest computed tomography findings may identify risk factors for respiratory adverse events in rheumatoid arthritis patients undergoing long-term biological therapy

Chest CT Can ID Respiratory AE Risk in RA Patients on Biologics

Findings seen among rheumatoid arthritis patients on long-term biological therapy
A nurse-based phone education intervention can promote shared decision making in patients with newly diagnosed rheumatoid arthritis

Phone-Based Intervention Aids Rheumatoid Arthritis Care

Educational phone calls with nurses promote shared decision making in care
Old age at onset of early rheumatoid arthritis is associated with more frequent bone erosions

Bone Erosions More Frequent With Old Age at Onset of Early RA

Bone erosions more frequent in those older at early RA onset even if they had clinical remission
Once low rheumatoid arthritis disease activity is achieved with tocilizumab plus methotrexate

Combo Therapy Not Needed If Low RA Disease Activity Achieved

Dropping methotrexate, continuing tocilizumab does not lead to worsening of disease activity
Centralized pain pathways may coexist with more established peripheral inflammation-driven pathways in some patients with rheumatoid arthritis

Many RA Patients’ Pain Related to Central Nervous System

MRIs show rheumatoid arthritis patients have neurobiologic features observed in fibromyalgia
High adherence to the Mediterranean diet score is tied to lower risk of rheumatoid arthritis in some populations

Mediterranean Diet Tied to Lower Risk of Rheumatoid Arthritis

Association only significant among men and only in seropositive rheumatoid arthritis
For patients with rheumatoid arthritis

TNFi Not Linked to Increased Cancer Recurrence in RA Patients

No increased risk of cancer recurrence among RA patients initiating tumor necrosis factor inhibitor tx
Potential side effects of biological agents may increase anxiety in patients with rheumatic disease

Side Effects of Biologics for Rheumatic Dz May Up Anxiety

Common patient concerns are risks of cancer and tuberculosis activation
Patients with rheumatoid arthritis

Flu Vaccine Cuts Mortality in Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients

Risk of hospitalization also reduced for RA patients receiving influenza vaccination
Offspring born to mothers with rheumatoid arthritis who are exposed to tumor necrosis factor α inhibitors in the gestational period do not have a significantly increased risk of serious infections

TNFi Exposure In Utero Does Not Up Serious Infection Risk

No increased risk of serious infection among RA offspring versus non-TNFi exposed or control