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Tag: Arrhythmia

AHA: Initial Catheter Ablation Beneficial for Ventricular Tachycardia


Initial strategy of catheter ablation leads to lower risk for composite primary end point versus antiarrhythmic drug therapy

Radiotherapy Dose to Cardiac Substructures Linked to Arrhythmias


After adjustment for baseline cardiovascular risk, pulmonary vein volume receiving 5 Gy linked to atrial fibrillation

Vigorous Exercise Does Not Increase Long QTS-Associated Cardiac Event Rate


Neither vigorous nor nonvigorous exercise was superior in any of the groups or subgroups examined

Arrythmias Are Significant Comorbidity in Adult Congenital Heart Disease


Arrhythmias in previous six months linked to increased multivariable-adjusted hospitalization rate

Medical Cannabis Use for Chronic Pain Linked to New-Onset Arrhythmia


Increased risk for new-onset arrhythmia observed; most pronounced during the first 180 days

Apple Watch Can Help Identify Arrhythmias in Children


In 29 percent of patients, traditional ambulatory cardiac monitors did not detect arrhythmias

Inflammatory Bowel Disease Increases Risk for Later Arrhythmias


Findings seen for inflammatory bowel disease overall, as well as individual diseases

Vigorous Exercise Not Harmful With Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy


No higher risk seen for death or life-threatening arrhythmias

Exposure to Air Pollution Linked to Onset of Symptomatic Arrhythmia


Air pollution linked to increased risk for symptomatic arrhythmia onset within the first few hours of exposure

Electronic Gaming Can Trigger Cardiac Arrhythmias in Some Children


Electronic games, such as war games, can precipitate lethal cardiac arrhythmias in susceptible children