Tag: Anxiety
Too Much Sitting Linked With Higher Risk of Anxiety
Review found link between the two, but not cause and effect
Too Much Serotonin Implicated in Social Anxiety Disorder
Serotonin finding conflicts with conventional wisdom, researchers say
Unique White Matter Injuries for Anxiety, Depression Post TBI
Findings in mild traumatic brain injury patients; no such pattern for irritability
Fermented Food Intake May Help Protect Against Social Anxiety
Consumption of fermented foods interacts with neuroticism to predict social anxiety
Anxiety, Depression Impact Symptoms, QoL in GERD
Increased anxiety, depression linked to increased severity of retrosternal pain and heartburn
Anxiety Reported by More Than 4 Million Working Americans
Data from SAMHSA's annual National Survey on Drug Use and Health 2008 to 2012
Anxiety, Depression, PTSD Common After Acute Lung Injury
More than half of survivors with any supra-threshold symptoms had co-occurrence of symptoms
Air Pollution May Contribute to High Anxiety
Possibly, one study suggests, while another links pollution to increased stroke risk
Psychotherapy for Child Anxiety Offers Long-Term Benefits
Responders less likely to endorse lifetime, past-month, past-two-week suicidal ideation
Anxiety Moderates Amyloid-β Association With Cognition
Correlation moderated by elevated anxiety symptoms; greater decline in high-anxiety group