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Tag: Antidepressants

Across two decades

Proportion of Seniors Taking Antidepressants Has More Than Doubled

But no change was seen in prevalence of depression from 1990-1993 to 2008-2011
Cognitive behavioral therapy should be the first line of treatment in younger patients with major depressive disorder before clinicians prescribe medication

Psychotherapy Alone First Line of Treatment for Depressed Youth

Adding fluoxetine to cognitive behavioral therapy did not further reduce depressive symptoms
Antidepressants strongly inhibiting serotonin reuptake may be associated with a small reduction in the rate of ischemic stroke compared with weak reuptake inhibitors

Strong SSRI May Be Tied to Small Decrease in Ischemic Stroke Risk

Rate of myocardial infarction similar with current use of strong, weak selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors
Both systolic and diastolic hypertension contribute independently to the risk for adverse cardiovascular events

Systolic, Diastolic HTN Contribute to Adverse CV Events

Systolic, diastolic HTN independently predict composite outcome with thresholds of ≥140/90 or 130/80 mm Hg
The use of most types of antidepressants is associated with significantly reduced mortality among patients with diabetes mellitus and comorbid depression

Treating Depression May Reduce Mortality in Diabetes Patients

Mortality risk lower in patients with diabetes and depression who received antidepressants
Certain opioids are less effective for postoperative pain in patients taking selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor antidepressants

Certain Opioids Less Effective With SSRI Antidepressants

Surgical patients on SSRIs + prodrug opioids had higher postsurgical pain 8 weeks postdischarge
Trazodone is not associated with a reduced risk for dementia compared with other antidepressants at the prodromal stage of disease

Trazodone Not Associated With Reduced Risk for Dementia

Study refutes animal studies suggesting trazodone delays dementia in patients at prodromal stage
Potential antidepressant overprescribing appears to be common among elderly patients and involves mostly newer antidepressants used for nonspecific psychiatric symptoms and subthreshold diagnoses

Antidepressant Overprescribing Appears Common in Elderly

Overprescribing tied to newer antidepressants, non-face-to-face interactions with prescribers
Among older adults

Antidepressant Use in Seniors Linked to Risk for Hip Fracture

Odds ratio highest 16 to 30 days before Rx filled
The risk for atrial fibrillation is increased among antidepressant users

A-Fib Risk Up for Antidepressant Users, but Higher Before Tx

Antidepressant treatment linked to threefold increased risk during first month; link decreased over year