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For older patients with atrial fibrillation

AHA: Risk for Death Cuts Benefit of Oral Anticoagulants for A-Fib

Findings seen among older patients with incident atrial fibrillation receiving warfarin or apixaban
Among older patients undergoing hip or knee replacement

Low-Intensity Warfarin Not Noninferior in Hip, Knee Surgery

Noninferiority not found compared with standard-intensity prophylaxis with hip or knee arthroplasty
Patients who restart their blood thinners after a gastrointestinal bleed have a lower risk for dying within the next two years even though they have a higher risk for recurrent gastrointestinal bleeding

Patients Should Restart Blood Thinners After GI Bleed

Lower risk for ischemic events and death outweigh risk for another bleeding event
The postoperative risk for pulmonary embolism extends more than six weeks for six types of surgery

Pulmonary Embolism Risk Elevated for More Than Six Weeks Postop

Findings based on six common surgery types in large French study
In thrombotic antiphospholipid antibody syndrome

Study Compares Anticoagulants for Antiphospholipid Syndrome

Authors find rivaroxaban not noninferior to vitamin K antagonists for secondary thromboprophylaxis
Having a pharmacist in the emergency department significantly shortens the time to administration of treatment to reverse anticoagulation in patients with life-threatening bleeds or the need for urgent procedures

Pharmacist in ED Cuts Time to Tx to Reverse Anticoagulation

Time to 4F-PCC shorter for patients who have life-threatening bleeding, need urgent procedures
For patients with subcentimeter colorectal polyps receiving oral anticoagulants

Continuous Anticoagulants + Cold Snare Polypectomy Noninferior

Findings seen among patients with subcentimeter colorectal polyps receiving oral anticoagulants
Non-vitamin K oral anticoagulants have a superior benefit-risk profile to that of vitamin K antagonists for patients with early-stage chronic kidney disease

Non-Vitamin K Oral Anticoagulants May Be Best for Early-Stage CKD

Benefit-risk profile superior to vitamin K antagonists for early-stage chronic kidney disease
For patients with atrial fibrillation

History of Liver Disease Does Not Impact Efficacy of Edoxaban

Patients with a-fib and history of liver disease more often had major bleeding but no increase in SSEE
Increasing vitamin K intake through dietary strategies improves the anticoagulation stability of warfarin-treated patients

Vitamin K Can Up Anticoagulation Stability in Patients on Warfarin

Findings seen in warfarin-treated patients with history of international normalized ratio instability