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Tag: Anticoagulants

Recurrent VTE Rate Higher Than Expected for Subsegmental PE


Prospective cohort study restricted to patients with low-risk subsegmental pulmonary embolism managed without anticoagulation

AHA: Oral Milvexian Promising for Prevention of VTE


In patients undergoing knee arthroplasty, postoperative incidence of venous thromboembolism lower with milvexian versus enoxaparin

Therapeutic Heparin May Benefit Moderately Ill COVID-19 Inpatients


Among those with increased D-dimer levels, no reduction seen in primary composite outcome at 28 days, but odds of death decreased

COVID-19 Outcomes in Critically Ill No Better With Full-Dose Heparin


For patients hospitalized with COVID-19 who are not critically ill, therapeutic-dose anticoagulation is beneficial

Racial/Ethnic Disparities Seen in Anticoagulant Initiation for A-Fib


Disparities seen among VA patients both for initiating any anticoagulant therapy and for initiating direct-acting oral anticoagulant use

Rates of Adverse Events Lower With Apixaban for A-Fib in Older Adults


Apixaban the only direct oral anticoagulant linked to lower adverse event rates than warfarin for patients with atrial fibrillation across frailty levels

ASH Suggests Not Using Outpatient Thromboprophylaxis for COVID-19


For discharged patients without suspected or confirmed VTE or other indication for anticoagulation, panel suggests not using anticoagulants

Prophylactic Anticoagulation Aids Hospitalized COVID-19 Patients


Prophylactic-dose anticoagulation, but not treatment-dose anticoagulation, associated with lower 60-day mortality

Guidance Issued for Managing CVST After COVID-19 Vaccination


CVST with thrombocytopenia reported after COVID-19 vaccine with adenoviral vector; management similar to heparin-induced thrombocytopenia

Adding Aspirin May Up Risk for Patients on DOAC for A-Fib/VTE


Among patients with a-fib and/or VTE, about one-third received ASA in addition to a DOAC with no clear indication for ASA