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Tag: Anticoagulants

Full-Dose Anticoagulation Beneficial for Critically Ill With COVID-19


However, no significant difference seen in efficacy or safety outcomes for clopidogrel versus no antiplatelet therapy

Formulary Restrictions May Worsen Atrial Fibrillation Outcomes


Risk for adverse health outcomes higher for patients with Medicare Part D plans limiting access to non-vitamin K antagonist oral anticoagulants

Management of Antithrombotics in GI Bleed, Endoscopy Addressed


Guideline addresses management of anticoagulants, antiplatelets during acute gastrointestinal bleeding and in the elective endoscopy setting

NOAC Use Not Tied to ICH in Stroke Patients Treated With Alteplase


Recent use of non-vitamin K antagonist oral anticoagulant not linked to increased risk for intracranial hemorrhage with IV alteplase

DOACs Cut Recurrent VTE in Adults With Cancer-Related Thrombosis


Direct oral anticoagulants reduce recurrent VTE events by 41 percent, with no significant increase in major bleeding, compared to dalteparin

NOACs May Be Better Choice for Patients With A-Fib and DM


Risks for diabetes complications, mortality lower with non-vitamin K antagonist oral anticoagulants versus warfarin

Bleeding Events Up With Full-Dose Thromboprophylaxis in COVID-19


Almost all hospitalized COVID-19 patients with a bleeding event were receiving mechanical ventilation, full-dose anticoagulation

Adding a P2Y12 Inhibitor Does Not Improve Outcomes in COVID-19


Adding a P2Y12 inhibitor to a therapeutic dose of heparin does not improve outcomes among non-critically ill patients hospitalized for COVID-19

Frail Patients With Nonvalvular A-Fib Less Likely to Receive Anticoagulants


Frail patients with nonvalvular atrial fibrillation also less likely to receive a direct oral anticoagulant versus warfarin

Recurrent VTE Rate Higher Than Expected for Subsegmental PE


Prospective cohort study restricted to patients with low-risk subsegmental pulmonary embolism managed without anticoagulation