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For acute major bleeding within 18 hours after factor Xa inhibitor administration

Andexanet Bolus, Infusion Cuts Anti-Factor Xa Activity

Findings in patients with acute major bleeding associated with factor Xa inhibitors
Physician-perceived frailty and low life expectancy are the main reasons for warfarin discontinuation in elderly patients

Physician-Perceived Frailty Tied to Warfarin Discontinuation

Discontinuation associated with increased risk of death and adverse events in very elderly
For patients with atrial fibrillation at moderate to high risk of stroke

DAPT Use Variable in Patients With A-Fib at Risk of Stroke

Dual antiplatelet therapy used in variable manner; most patients remain on study drug after PCI
Just over two-thirds of patients retain an "acceptable" amount of key information following warfarin counseling

One-Third of Patients Don’t Retain Important Warfarin Info

There is further drop off in information retention six weeks after initial counseling
Advice of regulatory authorities released in 2009 and 2010 regarding safety concerns for concomitant use of clopidogrel and certain proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) was partially followed

Many Still Prescribe Concomitant (Es)omeprazole, Clopidogrel

Patients on clopidogrel prescribed omeprazole or esomeprazole despite safety warnings