Tag: Anticoagulants
Storage in Dose Administration Aids Doesn’t Affect Warfarin
Repackaging of warfarin sodium tablets into dose administration aids doesn't affect chemical stability
ACC Guides Treatment of Bleeding With Oral Anticoagulation
Pathway supports clinician decision making during management of patients with bleeding complications
NOACs Show Lower Risk of Adverse Renal Outcomes in A-Fib
Compared with warfarin, dabigatran and rivaroxaban linked to lower risk of adverse renal outcomes
Genotype-Guided Warfarin Dosing Cuts Adverse Events
Risk of composite of major bleeding, INR ≥4, VTE, death down for hip, knee arthroplasty patients
CYP2C9 Variants Linked to Clinical Events in VTE
Risk of any clinical event, death, non-major bleeding up for seniors treated with vitamin K antagonists
Less Than Half of Seniors With A-Fib Receive Anticoagulants
Increase in overall anticoagulant use over time, mainly due to increase in new oral anticoagulants
Online Nursing Education Can Up Patient Use of VTE Prophylaxis
Online training aims to make sure those hospitalized get treatment to prevent venous thromboembolism
High Platelet Reactivity Tied to Ischemic, Bleeding Outcomes
Findings based on two-year follow-up after drug-eluting stent implantation
Idarucizumab Shows Reliable Reversal of Dabigatran
Effective for dabigatran reversal among patients with uncontrolled bleeding, undergoing urgent surgery
Review Questions Antithrombotic Tx in Essential Thrombocythemia
Findings inconsistent, imprecise for benefits/risks of antiplatelet tx; no extractable data on anticoagulants