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Tag: Antibiotics

For patients receiving antimicrobial injections targeting methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus

Antimicrobial Stewardship Improves Outcomes for MRSA

Daily review of prescriptions linked to reduction in time to administer effective antimicrobials
Azithromycin is not noninferior to doxycycline for treatment of urogenital chlamydia infection among adolescents; however

Efficacy of Azithromycin in Chlamydia Remains High

Although study did not establish noninferiority of azithromycin versus doxycycline
Patients can be taught to safely self-administer long-term intravenous antibiotics at home

Patients Can Safely Self-Administer IV Antibiotics at Home

Practice could save money while helping uninsured patients avoid long hospital stays, researchers say
More frequent monitoring may be required when patients are taking both acenocoumarol and levofloxacin due to the possibility of an adverse interaction

Interaction Described Between Acenocoumarol, Levofloxacin

Probable interaction described in five patients, all of whom had atrial fibrillation
A new plasmid-mediated polymyxin resistance mechanism

Plasmid-Mediated Polymyxin Resistance Identified

Emergence of plasmid-mediated polymyxin resistance mechanism ID'd in Enterobacteriaceae
Factors that relate to appropriate management of upper respiratory tract infections in children include clinician specialty and patient race/ethnicity and age

Factors ID’d That Predict Antibiotic Rx in Pediatric URI

Non-pediatrician clinicians, white race/ethnicity, age 12 to 18 years predict antibiotic prescription
For patients with urinary tract infections

Continuation of Antibiotics for UTI Often Inappropriate

Antibiotics frequently initiated inappropriately in ER; continuation after admission inappropriate for 68%
For patients with acute respiratory infections

Facilitating Shared Decision-Making Can Cut Antibiotic Use

Interventions that aim to facilitate shared decision-making effective in short term
Macrolides are associated with a small but measurable increased risk of sudden cardiac death

Macrolides May Raise Cardiovascular Risks

Macrolides were linked to small, but significant, chances of sudden cardiac death
Many people who've been told they're allergic to penicillin may be able to safely take the drug

ACAAI: Penicillin Feasible Even for Those With Prior Allergy

Researchers finds drug might be safe for patients who had previous reaction to the antibiotic