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Tag: Antibiotics

Oral ciprofloxacin is effective for the treatment of human plague

Oral Ciprofloxacin Effective for Treatment of Human Plague

Successful treatment in 5 cases of culture-confirmed human plague, including 1 case of pneumonic plague
For patients with metastatic renal cell carcinoma receiving immune checkpoint inhibitors

ASCO: Antibiotics May Have Negative Impact in Renal Cancer

Progression-free survival down with antibiotic use for patients receiving immune checkpoint inhibitors
Doctors are more likely to prescribe antibiotics if they think patients expect the medications

Doctors Often Write Rx for Antibiotics If Patients Expect It

Findings held true even if doctor did not suspect bacterial infection
Avoiding surgery and treating appendicitis with antibiotics alone may be a safe approach for many children

Antibiotics Could Be Alternative to Surgery for Appendicitis

Findings from review of uncomplicated appendicitis cases
Concomitant use of valproic acid and meropenem is associated with a decrease in valproic acid plasma levels

Valproic Acid Plasma Levels Down With Concomitant Meropenem

Concomitant use of meropenem linked to decrease in VPA plasma level, regardless of MEPM dose
For women undergoing cesarean section

Post-Cesarean Maternal Infection in 8.8 Percent of C-Sections

Odds of maternal infection up with black race, non-transverse uterine incision, surgery >49 minutes
Administration of azithromycin during labor is associated with a reduction in maternal and neonatal clinical infections

Azithromycin Given in Labor Cuts Maternal, Neonatal Infections

Lower incidence of maternal infections and lower overall prevalence of infections among newborns
The interaction between antibiotics and human growth and obesity is explored in a historical perspective piece published in the Jan. 17 issue of the Annals of Internal Medicine.

Interaction Between Antibiotics, Obesity Is Complex

Since the 2000s, attention has turned toward understanding role of abx, microbiome in obesity
A single fecal transplant delivered by enema is apparently no more effective than oral antibiotics in treating recurring cases of Clostridium difficile infection

Fecal Transplant No Better Than Oral Antibiotic for C. difficile

In direct comparison, researchers found no real difference between transplant, antibiotic treatment
For children with acute otitis media with tympanostomy tubes

Ciprofloxacin Plus Fluocinolone More Effective for Peds AOMT

More effective than ciprofloxacin or fluocinolone alone for acute otitis media w/tympanostomy tubes