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Tag: Antibiotics

The addition of azithromycin to cephalosporin for cesarean delivery infection prophylaxis is cost-effective and leads to better maternal outcomes

Drug Combination Cost-Effective for Cesarean Prophylaxis

Improved maternal outcomes when azithromycin is added to cephalosporin for infection prophylaxis
From 2005 to 2015 there was a decrease in the proportion of infants aged ≤60 days with a urinary tract infection who received four or more days of intravenous antibiotics

Drop in Proportion of Neonates With Long IV Therapy for UTI

Decrease from 50 percent in 2005 to 19 percent in 2015; not linked to increase in hospital readmissions
For patients undergoing left colon and rectal cancer resections

Oral Antibiotics Cut Risk of SSI in Colorectal CA Resection

Adding antibiotics to mechanical bowel preparation linked to reduced rate of surgical site infection
Inappropriate antibiotic prescribing for acute respiratory infections increases in the 12 months after removing behavioral interventions compared with control practices

Interventions Have No Long-Term Effect on Inappropriate Rx

Increase in inappropriate antibiotic prescribing in 12 months after removing behavioral interventions
Patients with penicillin allergy have increased odds of surgical site infection

IDSA: Surgical Site Infections Up With Reported Penicillin Allergy

Increased risk of SSI was mediated by patients' receipt of alternative perioperative antibiotic
Use of antibiotics in early life is not associated with islet or celiac disease (CD) autoimmunity in children at risk for type 1 diabetes or CD

Antibiotic Use Not Linked to Islet, Celiac Disease Autoimmunity

Exposure to and frequency of antibiotic use in young children not associated with risk of autoimmunity
For hospitalized children

Vancomycin + Piperacillin/ Tazobactam Ups Kidney Risk

Risk of AKI in hospitalized children higher than with IV vancomycin, other antipseudomonal β-lactam
Half of repeat antibiotic dispensings in Australia are used to extend the initial course

Half of Repeat Antibiotics in Australia Extend Initial Rx

More than one in five occur at least one month after the initial prescription
For obese women undergoing cesarean delivery

Post-C-Section Cephalexin, Metronidazole Cuts SSI Rate

Post-op course reduces rate of surgical site infection within 30 days of C-section among obese women
Adherence to antibiotic guidelines for acute chest syndrome in children with sickle cell disease varies widely

Antibiotic Rx Adherence Varies Widely in Sickle Cell Care

Guideline-adherent therapy tied to fewer 30-day readmissions