Tag: Anesthesia
Significant Gender Pay Gap Persists in Anesthesiology
Women anesthesiologists receive an average of $32,600 less per year; gap exists even when adjusting for differences in age, hours worked, geographic practice region
Preop Isolation May Up Risk for Postop Pulmonary Complications
Pandemic-related preoperative isolation linked to higher rates of postoperative pulmonary complications following elective surgery
Needle Size Not Tied to Postdural Puncture Headache in Orthopedic Patients
Among 3,980 patients receiving spinal injections with 22-gauge Quincke cutting needle or 25-gauge pencil-point needle, none developed PDPH
Safety of Tranexamic Acid Studied for Orthopedic Surgery in High-Risk Patients
Risk for complications not increased in patients with preexisting comorbidities undergoing hip or knee arthroplasty
No Link Found for Exposure to Epidural Labor Analgesia and Autism
After adjustment for maternal sociodemographic, prepregnancy, pregnancy, and perinatal covariates, no link found with autism spectrum disorders
Global Demand for Cancer Surgery Expected to Climb
Greatest relative increase projected to occur in 34 low-income countries, which have largest gaps in workforce requirements
Accidental Awareness High With General Anesthesia in Obstetric Surgeries
Incidence one in 256 for all obstetric surgery and one in 212 for cesarean section surgery; seven of 12 patients reported distressing experiences
Steps Outlined to Reduce Postop Delirium in Older Adults
Anesthesiologists play key role on multidisciplinary team to optimize perioperative brain health in older adults
Therapeutic Suggestions During General Anesthesia Cut Pain
Therapeutic suggestions played through earphones during general anesthesia can reduce postop pain, opioid use
Neuraxial Anesthesia Best for Lower-Limb Revascularization Surgery
Thirty-day mortality, in-hospital cardiopulmonary and renal complications, length of stay reduced with neuraxial anesthesia