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The incidence of pulmonary aspiration is low in children undergoing elective surgery

Shortened Fasting Feasible for Children Undergoing Surgery

Improves perioperative experience without raising pulmonary aspiration incidence
Texting during minor surgery cuts the need for pain relievers among patients receiving regional anesthesia

Texting Cuts Patients’ Need for Pain Meds During Surgery

Findings among patients receiving regional anesthesia during minor surgery
A new vision for the future of anesthesiology has been developed

New Vision Described for Future of Anesthesiology

Model includes incorporation of specialty training, expanding residency to train 'super-specialists'
The diagnostic yield of endobronchial ultrasound-guided transbronchial needle aspiration is not influenced by the type of sedation used

Sedation Type Doesn’t Influence Diagnostic Yield in EBUS-TBNA

Similar diagnostic yield, rate of major complications for moderate sedation, general anesthesia
Obesity is associated with increased odds of respiratory events and more frequent need for airway intervention in patients undergoing pediatric procedural sedation

Obesity Ups Respiratory Events in Peds Procedural Sedation

Increased odds of respiratory events, inability to complete associated procedure, prolonged recovery
For patients undergoing coronary artery bypass graft surgery

Anesthesiologists Impact CABG Surgery Outcomes

Rate of death, major complications varies significantly across anesthesiologists
A new study questions the need for giving a sedative to surgical patients before anesthesia is administered. The report was published in the March 3 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association.

Sedative Pre-Anesthesia Doesn’t Increase Patient Satisfaction

Trend in the United States is not to give patients these meds before procedure
Recommendations are presented for anesthetic care in patients with Ebola virus disease and published online Dec. 30 in Anesthesia & Analgesia.

Review Highlights Anesthetic Implications of Ebola Virus

Limited data relating to Ebola care; use of personal protection equipment important, even in emergencies