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Tag: Anesthesia

For pediatric patients undergoing urethroplasty

Caudal Block Linked to Post-Urethroplasty Complications

Type of surgery, caudal block, hypospadias types are independent risk factors for surgical complications
For patients undergoing hip or knee arthroplasty

Peripheral Nerve Block Beneficial in Arthroplasty

Reduced odds of complications and resource utilization with PNB in knee/hip arthroplasty
Utah is the first state to require anesthesia for women having an abortion at 20 weeks of pregnancy or later.

New Utah State Law Requires Anesthesia During Abortion

Law applies to woman having the procedure at 20 weeks or later
A protocolized handover process correlates with a sustained reduction in the number of errors for children being transferred to the intensive care unit after cardiac surgery

Protocolized Handover Process Sustainable for Reducing Errors

Improved handover process is sustainable for children being transferred to ICU after cardiac sx
Sugammadex at a dose of 4 mg/kg−1 of ideal body weight allows for shorter reversal of deep neuromuscular blockade in morbidly obese patients

High-Dose Sugammadex Speeds Reversal of Neuromuscular Block

Shorter recovery time from deep neuromuscular blockade with 4 mg/kg−1 of ideal body weight
Receiving general anesthesia for surgery after age 40 doesn't appear to raise the risk for mild cognitive impairment later in life

Anesthesia After 40 Not Linked to Mild Cognitive Impairment

For adults, mild cognitive issues that may develop over time are unrelated, researchers say
Partial sleep deprivation following a night-call shift affects anesthesiologists' total mood status and their cognitive skills

Lack of Sleep Affects Mood, Cognition in Anesthesiologists

Findings suggest sleep deprivation impacts patient safety and quality of care in peds anesthesia
A recent survey of pediatric anesthesia programs at teaching institutions in the United States highlights the need for improvements in training

Neurotoxicity of Anesthesia in Children Needs to Be Addressed

Survey suggests need for improvements in clinical practice, training, and communication on this topic
Guidance is offered for the pediatric perioperative anesthesia environment in a policy statement published online Nov. 30 in Pediatrics.

AAP Provides Guidance on Pediatric Peri-Op Anesthesia

Guidance relates to care team, resources committed to patient care, pediatric-specific techniques
Anesthetists make a negligible contribution to post-cardiac surgery mortality

Negligible Impact of Anesthetists on Post-Cardiac Surgery Mortality

Overwhelming factor associated with outcome was patient risk; surgeon had moderate impact