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Tag: Anesthesia

Young children who have surgical procedures that require general anesthesia do not have an increased risk for adverse child development outcomes

Pediatric Anesthesia Does Not Affect Development Outcomes

No significant differences seen in early developmental vulnerability in sibling-matched cohort
Recommendations have been developed for nomenclature of cognitive changes associated with anesthesia and surgery; the recommendations were published in the November issue of Anesthesiology.

Changes in Nomenclature for Perioperative Cognitive Disorders

'Perioperative neurocognitive disorders' is broad term for cognitive impairment in perioperative period

American Society of Anesthesiologists, Oct. 13-17

ANESTHESIOLOGY 2018 The annual meeting of the American Society of Anesthesiologists was held from Oct. 13 to 17 in San Francisco and attracted...
For older cancer patients undergoing major cancer surgery

Propofol May Decrease Delay in Neurocognitive Recovery

Less delay versus sevoflurane general anesthesia in older patients undergoing major cancer surgery
For older patients undergoing hip fracture repair

Sedation Level Doesn’t Impact Delirium Risk After Hip Fx Repair

In subgroup analysis, heavier versus lighter sedation doubled risk of delirium in low comorbid states
Anesthesia care team composition is not associated with surgical outcomes

No Outcome Differences Based on Anesthesia Team Make-Up

No significant differences in mortality, length of stay, or inpatient spending seen
Intravenous acetaminophen does not decrease opioid utilization to a clinically significant threshold among colectomy patients

IV Acetaminophen Minimally Helpful for Colectomy Pain

IV acetaminophen has similar effectiveness to oral doses and doesn't meaningfully cut opioid use
A machine-learning algorithm can predict hypotension during surgery based on high-fidelity arterial pressure waveform analysis

Algorithm Predicts Very Low Blood Pressure During Surgery

Advance warning, even 10 to 15 minutes ahead, can reduce harm to patients
On the day of surgery it is practical to allow children to drink until one hour before anesthesia

Children Can Drink Clear Fluids Until One Hour Before Anesthesia

No increased risk of pulmonary aspiration; less nausea, vomiting, thirst, hunger, anxiety reported
Dexmedetomidine prevents excessive γ-aminobutyric acid type A receptor function after anesthesia

Dexmedetomidine Cuts γ-Aminobutyric Acid Receptor Function

Cuts etomidate-induced increase in α5 γ-aminobutyric acid type A receptor cell-surface expression