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Tag: Alzheimer’s

There is no link between low body mass index and risk of Alzheimer's disease

Low Body Mass Index Not Risk Factor for Alzheimer’s Disease

Gene-based research suggests that, instead, weight loss probably due to early stages of disease
When it comes to the daily care of Americans with dementia

Responsibility for Most of Dementia Care Falls to Women

And number of Americans with dementia is expected to rise to 8.4 million by 2030
A gene mutation appears to speed up the loss of memory and cognitive skills in patients with Alzheimer's disease

BDNF Gene Mutation May Speed Up Memory Loss in Alzheimer’s

If β-amyloid plaques are present in the brain, process is even faster, researchers say
Undetected seizures may contribute to some symptoms associated with Alzheimer's disease

Silent Seizures May Contribute to Alzheimer’s Pathology

Early occult hippocampal hyperexcitability may contribute to pathogenesis of AD, researchers say
Discontinuation of acetylcholinesterase inhibitors for treatment of Alzheimer's disease is common

Many Patients With Alzheimer’s Disease Discontinue AChEIs

Adverse effects and cost account for most cases of discontinuation
Having a mental health disorder doesn't translate into a higher risk of Alzheimer's disease later in life

Past Psychiatric Disorders Do Not Raise Risk of Alzheimer’s Disease

But more recent psychiatric symptoms may be part of the disease
Alzheimer's disease claims nearly twice as many American lives annually as it did just 15 years ago

Five Million American Seniors Now Living With Alzheimer’s

Price tag hits $259 billion a year; projected to exceed $1 trillion by 2050
A diagnosis of mild cognitive impairment is frequently associated with comorbid neuropathologies

Comorbid Neuropathies Common With MCI Diagnosis

Mixed Alzheimer's disease neuropathic changes more frequent than pure ADNC among those with MCI
Women who use hormone therapy after menopause may not have a lower risk of developing Alzheimer's disease

Hormone Therapy Doesn’t Appear to Protect Against Alzheimer’s

Possible benefit for long-term hormone therapy, but results not definitive
Developing hypertension in very old age may provide some protection from dementia

Hypertension Onset After Age 80 May Protect Against Dementia

Association independent of antihypertensive medication use