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Tag: Allergies: Misc.

CDC Reports on Prevalence of Seasonal and Food Allergies, Eczema


18.9 percent of children and 25.7 percent of adults had seasonal allergy; 10.8 and 7.3 percent had eczema in 2021

Developmental Disorders Tied to More Allergic Disease


Findings seen for children in both lower and upper elementary grades, although differences seen by sex and age

Prenatal Exposure to Acid-Suppressive Meds Not Linked to Allergic Disease


Association seen between infant exposure to acid-suppressive medications and increased asthma risk in offspring

Most Common Allergies Not Linked to Rheumatoid Arthritis


Some allergic conditions such as animal dander allergy and atopic dermatitis are associated with increased RA risk

Hypersensitivity Reactions to Gadolinium-Based Contrast Agents Studied


History of HSR to iodinated contrast media linked to increased risk for HSR to gadolinium-based contrast agent

Follow-Up Care Can Prevent Repeat ER Visits for Child's Asthma

Asthma, Atopy Risks Up in Offspring Born Via Infertility Treatment


Long-term follow-up of children shows increased asthma/allergy risk, independent of parental history of asthma and atopy