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Tag: Allergies: Food

Most cow's milk allergic patients undergoing oral immunotherapy are able to consume cow's milk protein regularly without significant adverse reactions

Oral Immunotherapy Seems Beneficial for Cow’s Milk Allergy

Most patients are able to consume cow's milk protein regularly without serious adverse effects
Exposure to secondhand tobacco smoke in infancy is associated with increased risk of sensitization to food allergens up to age 16 years

Smoke Exposure in Infancy Ups Sensitization to Food Allergens

Secondhand smoke exposure also linked to increased risk of eczema with sensitization
Raw garlic can induce immediate hypersensitivity reactions

Immediate Hypersensitivity to Raw Garlic Described

Case report illustrates 31-year-old woman who reported wheals after ingesting raw garlic
Reduced skin barrier function seen in patients with atopic dermatitis may cause percutaneous sensitization by various proteins

Allergy to Soy Reported After Percutaneous Sensitization

Report describes severe symptoms after eating soy for esthetician with atopic dermatitis, hand eczema
Food allergy can be caused by immunological cross-reactions to common inhalant allergens

Immunological Cross-Reactions May Increase Food Allergies

IgE stimulated by a cross-reactive inhalant allergen can result in allergic reactions to diverse foods
Infants at high risk for peanut allergies should be given foods containing peanuts before they reach the age of 1 year

Consensus for Early Peanut Exposure in High-Risk Infants

Interim guidance issued in response to study finding exposure lowered chances of allergy by 80 percent
More patients with nonceliac wheat sensitivity and celiac disease than irritable bowel syndrome develop autoimmune diseases

Many With Nonceliac Wheat Sensitivity Have Autoimmune Dz

Higher proportion of patients with NCWS, celiac versus irritable bowel syndrome have autoimmune dz
The case of an 8-year-old Canadian boy suggests that it's possible

Case Report of Food Allergy Acquired Via Blood Transfusion

Doctors need to be aware of the possibility of 'passive transfer'
Exposing young children with peanut allergies to small amounts of the legumes shows promise as a treatment

AAAAI: Exposure Therapy May Reduce Toddler Peanut Allergy

When given to toddlers, therapy helped them shed sensitivity, researchers report
A wearable patch that safely and gradually exposes the body to small amounts of peanut allergen appears effective in easing the allergy

AAAAI: Skin Patch Shows Promise for Peanut Allergy

Wearable device appears to 'educate' cells not to react to the food allergen, researchers say