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Tag: Allergies: Food

Early peanut introduction is associated with increased probability of a successful oral food challenge

Study Explores Factors Linked to Successful Peanut OFC

Higher odds of successful oral food challenge with early introduction, white race, advancing age
Primary care providers order significantly more food allergen panels and generate higher costs per patient than allergists

PCPs Order More Food Allergen Panels Than Allergists

Also order more tests for uncommon causes of food allergy and generate higher costs
Most colleges don't have comprehensive programs to support students with food allergies

ACAAI: Many Colleges Lack Food Allergy Support

Lack of comprehensive support programs is a significant issue, allergists say
For parents who are unsure when and how to introduce their babies to food containing peanuts

ACAAI: Guidance Coming on Introducing Infants to Peanuts

High-risk infants can be introduced to peanut paste, peanut protein as early as 4 to 6 months of age
Shoppers are often confused by food labels that warn of potential allergens

Vague Food Labels Can Place Patients With Allergies at Risk

Misunderstanding warnings could be dangerous for those with food allergies
For children with a negative oral food challenge

Eating Reassessment Urged After Negative Oral Food Challenge

About 25 percent of children continue food-avoidance diet despite negative oral food challenge
A skin patch that delivers small amounts of peanut protein may help treat children and young adults with peanut allergy

Skin Patch to Treat Peanut Allergy Appears Promising

Delivering small amounts of peanut protein boosted tolerance for about half of young patients in study
Specific immunoglobulin E to the 2 S albumin from cashew

IgE to Ana o 3 Can Identify Cashew Allergy in Children

IgE to Ana o 3 discriminates between allergic and tolerant children better than cashew-specific IgE
Early introduction of egg and peanuts could help prevent 24 cases of egg allergy per 1

Early Allergen Introduction May Help Prevent Food Allergies

Allergy specialist suggests existing guidelines on introducing foods may be outdated
Oral immunotherapy for peanut allergies may work better if it's given to children earlier

Treating Peanut Allergy Early in Childhood Yields Best Results

Exposure therapy for infants and toddlers leaves 78 percent desensitized