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Tag: Alcohol Abuse

Monitoring Important With Antidepressants for Alcohol Use Disorder


Patients treated with antidepressants whose symptoms do not improve show more relapses in alcohol use disorder

Semaglutide Cuts Incidence, Recurrence of Alcohol Use Disorder


Findings show risk cut in half based on electronic health record data

Use of Medications for Alcohol Use Disorder Improves Outcomes


Reduction seen in incidence of composite outcome of all-cause mortality, return to hospital with MAUD initiation at discharge

Alcohol Use Disorder Linked to Increased Odds of Suicide Mortality


Findings show similarly increased risk in men and women based on pooled odds ratio from longitudinal studies

Guidelines Developed for Management of Alcohol-Associated Liver Disease


Multidisciplinary integrated care model with hepatology, addiction medicine providers, social workers should be promoted

Meds Rarely Initiated After Discharge for Alcohol Use Disorder


Strongest demographic predictor for discharge initiation of medications for alcohol use disorder was younger age

ED Visit for Substance Use With Psychosis Increases Risk for Schizophrenia Diagnosis


Substantial risk of transition still seen with substance use without psychosis

Both Maternal, Paternal Substance Use Disorder Tied to Offspring Intellectual Disability


Authors say preventive efforts should focus on fathers, too

Alcohol-Related Deaths Increased for Men, Women in Recent Years


Rates of increase were higher among women than men, with 2018 to 2020 age-adjusted mortality rates up by 14.7 versus 12.5 percent

Stimulant Treatment for Childhood ADHD Not Linked to Substance Use


No evidence seen for link between childhood stimulant treatment and substance use during adolescence and young adulthood