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Tag: Adolescents / Teens

For 11- to 15-year olds

Concomitant Administration of 9vHPV With MCV4/Tdap Feasible

Noninferior to intermittent administration of vaccines for 11- to 15-year olds
Four out of 10 girls and six out of 10 boys

CDC: Too Few U.S. Adolescents Getting HPV Vaccination

4 out of 10 girls, 6 out of 10 boys haven't started series
Many young cancer patients -- especially females -- have limited awareness about options to preserve their fertility

Cancer Patients Lack Awareness of Fertility Preservation Options

Almost one in three not told cancer treatment might affect future fertility
Fewer than half of U.S. teenagers aged 15 to 19 are having sex

CDC: U.S. Teens Waiting Longer to Have Sex

Report finds fewer than half of those aged 15 to 19 have had intercourse
While many experts have called for a ban on "heading" the ball in youth soccer because they believe it is a leading cause of concussions

Body Contact of Players Blamed for Most Soccer Concussions

Limiting aggressive contact would be more effective than just banning 'heading' of ball, researcher says
Many overweight and obese teens don't believe they have a weight problem

Many Overweight Teens Don’t See Their Weight As a Problem

Around 40 percent think their weight is about right, British researchers find
Three-quarters of American adults favor raising the legal smoking age to 21

CDC: Most Americans in Favor of Raising Legal Smoking Age to 21

Even 70 percent of smokers support the concept
Adverse health behaviors in adolescence are only moderately associated with later musculoskeletal pain in adulthood

Adolescent Lifestyle Not Strongly Tied to Later Muscular Pain

Smoking, alcohol use, overweight/obesity weakly tied to later pain
From 2006 to 2010 there was an increase in antipsychotic medication use among adolescents and young adults

Antipsychotic Use Up for Teens, Young Adults From 2006 to 2010

No increase in use for those aged 1 to 12 years; males more likely to use antipsychotics than females
Obesity is associated with less frequent and less consistent contraceptive use among sexually active 18- to 19-year-old girls

Obese Teen Girls Less Likely to Use Contraception

No difference in frequency of sex according to weight status among 18- to 19-year-old girls