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Doctors aren't using one of the most effective weapons at their disposal in battling addiction to prescription opioids -- buprenorphine-naloxone (Suboxone)

Buprenorphine-Naloxone Use in Medicare Patients Low

Prescribers represent less than 2 percent of the 381,575 prescribers with 56.5 million opioid claims
The U.S. prescription drug abuse epidemic has increased the risk of HIV outbreaks in rural and suburban communities

Rapid HIV Transmission Seen in Injection Drug Users in Rural U.S.

Indiana case offers a lesson for other rural communities
Too few patients are being prescribed any of the three available medications used to treat opioid use disorder in the 30 days after hospital discharge

Meds to Treat Opioid Addiction Significantly Underused

In 2013, just 17 percent were given medications like naltrexone after hospital discharge
Extended-release naltrexone is associated with a lower rate of opioid relapse than usual treatment among criminal justice offenders

Naltrexone ER Injection Cuts Opioid Relapse Rate in Inmates

Lower rate of relapse compared with usual treatment in trial involving criminal justice offenders
Concurrent use of heroin and prescription opioids is increasing

More Prescription Opioid Addicts Are Turning to Heroin

Interviews with addicts confirm desire for cheaper, more plentiful substitute
Patients with prior histories of drug abuse

Researchers ID Patients More Prone to Long-Term Opioid Use

People with a history of smoking or abusing drugs at highest risk of long-term use
The number of infants born to American mothers who are chronic opioid users is rising

Costs of Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome on the Rise

Researchers encourage physicians to be proactive in screening for drug use