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Er:YAG is more efficacious than bipolar radiofrequency combined with diode laser for treatment of mild-to-moderate acne scars

Er:YAG Laser Shows Superior Efficacy in Rx of Acne Scars

Greater degree of improvement than with bipolar radiofrequency combined with diode laser
Transient addition of topical corticosteroids to topical retinoids is not associated with meeting the primary end points of improvement in acne severity and mitigation of medication-induced irritation

Transient Topical Corticosteroids of Limited Use in Acne

Doesn't meet primary end points of improved acne severity, mitigation of retinoid-induced irritation
In research published online Oct. 28 in Science Immunology

New Way Bacteria Can Trigger Inflammation in Acne Identified

Findings may lead to new avenues for treatment
The KLOX BioPhotonic System LED blue light device using specific photo-converter chromophores is safe and efficacious for acne vulgaris

Blue Light Phototherapy Safe, Effective for Acne Vulgaris

Six weeks of LED blue light device treatment found to be safe and effective for moderate to severe acne
Acneiform eruptions due to the BRAF kinase inhibitor vemurafenib in a patient with multiple metastatic melanoma lesions are described in a case report published online Aug. 11 in the Journal of Dermatology.

Acneiform Eruptions Observed After Vemurafenib Treatment

Case report describes acneiform eruptions after tx of metastatic melanoma lesions with vemurafenib
The once-daily acne treatment Differin Gel 0.1% (adapalene) has been approved for over-the-counter use among patients 12 and older

FDA Approves Differin Gel for Over-the-Counter Use

First OTC retinoid available for acne treatment among patients 12 and older
Patients with acne vulgaris have significantly higher glycemic index and glycemic load levels and significantly lower serum adiponectin levels

High Glycemic Index/Load Diet Linked to Acne Vulgaris

Patients with acne also have significantly lower serum adiponectin levels than healthy controls
About half of adult women with acne

Elevated 3 Alpha-Diol G Levels for Many Women With Acne

Findings among women with normal androgenic status and without menstrual dysfunction
Patients frequently report ineffective consultations in acne care

Patients Often Dissatisfied With Acne Care

Patients dissatisfied with acne management approaches, find GPs lacking information
Treatment of acne with antibiotics is associated with a significant decrease in the rate of Staphylococcus aureus carriage

Drop in S. aureus Carriage Rate With Antibiotic Tx of Acne

Antibiotic treatment of acne does not significantly alter the rates of antibiotic resistance