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Tag: Abortion

Providers should maximize women's health during the interpregnancy period

ACOG: Interpregnancy Period Should Maximize Women’s Health

Components of postpartum care should be included as the initial components of interpregnancy care
The abortion rate in the United States fell 24 percent between 2006 and 2015

CDC: U.S. Abortion Rate Declined 24 Percent From 2006 to 2015

Abortions among women ages 15-44 fell 26 percent, from 15.9 to 11.8 abortions per 1,000 women
A birth control coverage opt-out for employers was finalized by the Trump administration on Wednesday.

Trump Administration Finalizes Birth Control Coverage Opt-Out

Employers with religious objections will not have to provide no-cost birth control for female workers
Poor maternal bonding is more common for children born to women who are denied access to abortion

Poor Maternal Bonding for Women Denied Abortion

Children born to women denied abortion live in households with lower incomes relative to the FPL
Abortion-related visits to the emergency department comprise a very small proportion of reproductive-aged women's visits

Emergency Department Visits After Abortion Extremely Rare

Very few abortion-related visits are for major incidents or result in admission
The American Medical Association strongly objects to the Trump administration's plan to withhold federal family planning funding from Planned Parenthood and other entities

AMA Opposes Proposed Cuts, Gag Orders for Reproductive Health

Cuts to Title X would limit poor, uninsured women's access to reproductive health care
Health care organizations have come out against the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' proposed rule that amends regulations governing the Title X of the Public Health Service Act

ACOG, Others Come Out Against Proposed Rule on Title-X

Organizations representing over 700,000 providers oppose efforts to limit Title-X program
Proposed regulations restrict providers' ability to deliver unbiased patient care for individuals wanting to know about or undergo abortion

Regulations Restrict Providers’ Ability to Offer Info on Abortions

And, HHS regulations mandate physical, financial separation between Title X activities, abortions
The quadrivalent human papillomavirus vaccine is not associated with an increased risk of spontaneous abortion when inadvertently given before or during pregnancy

Quadrivalent HPV Vaccine Not Tied to Spontaneous Abortion

No evidence of increased risk of spontaneous abortion when inadvertently given before or during pregnancy
There is no significant difference in the rates of abortion-related morbidities and adverse events following induced abortions

Abortion Complication Rates Similar Between Facility Type

Findings based on comparison between ambulatory surgical centers, office-based settings