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After menopause

Insulin Resistance Ups Breast Cancer Risk Regardless of BMI

Study of postmenopausal women suggests hormone levels matter more than excess weight
The U.S. epidemic of prescription opioid medication abuse may be starting to reverse course

Epidemic of Rx Opioid Abuse May Be Waning in U.S.

Heroin abuse/overdoses on the rise may be one reason prescription-drug abuse is down
Fewer U.S. colorectal cancer patients who are diagnosed in the final stages of their disease are having what can often be unnecessary surgery to have the primary tumor removed

Fewer Surgeries for Patients With Advanced Colorectal Cancer

Chemotherapy is best treatment, especially for those whose cancer has spread, researcher says
Being sedentary may be twice as deadly as being obese

Sedentary Lifestyle Worse for Health Than Obesity

Just a 20-minute brisk walk each day can lower odds of early death, researchers add
At higher doses

Binge Eating Curtailed by Higher Doses of ADHD Medication

Lisdexamfetamine helps lessen excessive food consumption that characterizes binge-eating
Going through a surgery often means postoperative pain for children

Patient-Selected Audio Therapy May Ease Pediatric Post-Op Pain

Listening to favorite songs, even audiobooks, appears to ease discomfort
For patients with nasolabial folds

Polycaprolactone Efficient for Nasolabial Fold Treatment

Improved outcomes compared with nonanimal stabilized hyaluronic acid-based fillers
For adults with chronic nonspecific back pain

Light Therapy Seems Promising for Nonspecific Back Pain

Reduction in pain intensity, improvement in depressive symptoms in adult patients
Recommendations are presented for anesthetic care in patients with Ebola virus disease and published online Dec. 30 in Anesthesia & Analgesia.

Review Highlights Anesthetic Implications of Ebola Virus

Limited data relating to Ebola care; use of personal protection equipment important, even in emergencies
In the United States

Race, Ethnicity Appear to Affect Lupus Prognosis in U.S.

Asians, Hispanics have lower mortality rates