American Academy of Dermatology, March 20-24
The 73rd Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Dermatology The annual meeting of the American Academy of Dermatology was held from March...
AAOS: Driving Two Weeks Post Hip Replacement May Be OK
Many patients regain their presurgery brake reaction times within two weeks after surgery
Air Pollution May Contribute to High Anxiety
Possibly, one study suggests, while another links pollution to increased stroke risk
Short Hospital Stays Don’t Impair STEMI Outcomes in Seniors
Similar outcomes with discharge after 48 hours and for patients who stay in hospital for four, five days
Newly Identified Diabetes Up With Medicaid Expansion
Twenty-three percent increase in newly identified diabetes in 26 states that expanded Medicaid
Outcome Not Affected by Family Presence During Resuscitation
No significant differences in outcomes of processes of care for hospitals with versus without FPDR
Binge Eating Linked to Comorbidities in Obese Adults
BED linked to risk of specific comorbidities, but associations not statistically significant
Patients Expect More Info About Tests Involving Radiation
Gap between patient expectations, current practices for provision of information about radiation use
Perceived Inefficiencies Rife in Primary Care
Inefficiencies reported in activities that occur pre-visit, during visits, post-visit
Models May Predict Two-Year Mortality Risk for CKD Patients
Risk prediction models may be helpful in directing prognosis and treatment decisions