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Coffee drinkers have a lower risk of malignant melanoma

Coffee Consumption Linked With Reduced Melanoma Risk

Trend toward more protection with higher intake
A therapy that uses patients' own stem cells may be able to reverse some of the effects of multiple sclerosis

Stem Cells May Help Reverse Multiple Sclerosis Disability

Small initial trial shows improvement for people with relapsing-remitting MS
The incidence of hospitalizations for pulmonary embolism increased from 2001 to 2010

Incidence of PE Hospitalizations Rises From 2001 to 2010

Seasonal variation seen in PE hospitalizations, with higher number of admissions in winter
Benefit from routine anticoagulation therapy to reduce risk of ischemic stroke may be unlikely in patients with atrial fibrillation and a CHA2DS2-VASc score of 1

Routine Oral Anticoagulants May Not Benefit All With A-Fib

Ischemic stroke risk lower than thought in those with atrial fibrillation and CHA2DS2-VASc score of 1
Acupuncture is a feasible adjunct therapy for short-term postsurgical pain management in total joint replacement

Acupuncture Viable for Pain Relief After Joint Replacement

Short-term pain reduction with adjunct acupuncture offered after hip, knee replacement
For patients with recalcitrant psoriasis associated with episodes of tonsillitis

Tonsillectomy May Benefit Tonsillitis-Associated Psoriasis

Review shows improvement in psoriasis for some patients; improvement not always sustained
For occupational groups in cancer care

More Stressors for Radiation Therapists Than Oncology Nurses

Also have high coping strategy frequency; no difference in anxiety, depression, burnout, well-being
Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery strongly predicts insulin cessation after surgery in insulin-treated type 2 diabetes patients

Roux-en-Y Surgery Can Reverse Insulin Treatment in T2DM

RYGB predicts insulin therapy cessation early after surgery, independent of weight
People undergoing chemotherapy and radiation for cancer may get an emotional lift from man's best friend

Therapy Dogs May Help Patients Persevere With Cancer Treatment

'I would've stopped the treatment, but I wanted to come see the dog'
For fourth-year medical students

Collaboration Between Med Students Cuts Diagnostic Errors

Diagnostic accuracy higher for pairs than individuals assessing cases of respiratory distress