Effects of n-3 PUFAs on Insulin Sensitivity Unclear
No effect on peripheral insulin sensitivity; modest improvement in hepatic insulin sensitivity
Quality Improvement Intervention Cuts Lost OR Time
Instruction sheets, text-message reminders can cut time lost due to cancellation on day of surgery
Visit-to-Visit LDL-C Variability Predicts Cardiac Event Risk
Variability predicts increased risk in patients with coronary artery disease, independent of LDL-C levels
Teledermatology Implications for Incidental Skin CA Detection
Most frequently biopsied incidental malignancies seen on head and neck
SHBG Predicts Erectile Dysfunction Risk in Young Men
Free, bioavailable testosterone levels independently tied to ED risk
Grape Polyphenols May Protect Against Metabolic Sx Via Gut
Mouse model shows modification of microbial community structure with grape polyphenol
Single-Dose Injection Rx Ups Bone Density in Frail Elderly
But stronger bones did not translate into fewer fractures in this elderly, high-risk population
Gratitude Linked With Better Outcomes in Heart Patients
Keeping a gratitude journal seemed to reduce cardiac risk factors
HPV4 Vaccine Cost-Effective for OPC Prevention in Teen Boys
Quadrivalent vaccine appears cost-effective among 12-year-old boys in Canada
Confidentiality Shortcomings With EHR Use for Parents, Teens
Modifications needed for EHRs and PHRs to meet confidentiality requirements of parents, teens