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DMV Program Can Generate Additional Organ Donors

Customers of DMV staff who received training more likely to register as organ donors
Prednisolone and pentoxifylline are associated with limited and no benefits

Prednisolone, Pentoxifylline Little Use in Alcoholic Hepatitis

Nonsignificant drop in 28-day mortality with prednisolone; no improvement with pentoxifylline
For patients with early Hodgkin's lymphoma who have negative findings on positron-emission tomography after three cycles of chemotherapy

Post-Chemo Radiation May Not Be Needed in Early Hodgkin’s

For patients with negative PET after chemo, no further treatment was not noninferior to radiation
An abridged version of the 2015 Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes has been produced for primary care physicians. The condensed guidelines were published in the April issue of Clinical Diabetes.

Abridged Standards of Care for Diabetes Developed for PCPs

Abridged version specifically focuses on evidence-based recommendations for primary care
One in 10 acute myocardial infarction patients without a previous diagnosis of diabetes mellitus (DM) have underlying DM

One in 10 AMI Patients Have Unrecognized Incident Diabetes

Few not recognized as having DM during hospitalization on meds six months after discharge
Direct-to-consumer advertising of asthma medications is associated with increased emergency department utilization among commercially insured patients

Direct-to-Consumer Advertising of Asthma Meds Ups ER Use

Advertising linked to increase in pharmacy sales; emergency room visits for commercially insured
More than one-quarter of patients with metastatic prostate cancer present with a synchronous second primary malignancy

Second Primaries for Over 25% With Metastatic Prostate Cancer

28.1 percent have synchronous second primary; mortality up with synchronous lung, stomach cancer
Concomitant use of metformin and histamine H2-receptor antagonists or proton pump inhibitors has the potential to induce vitamin B12 depletion and neuropathy

Concomitant Metformin, GERD Meds Up Vitamin B12 Depletion

Concomitant use of these medications may result in B12 deficiency-induced neuropathy
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration should ban flavorings and television advertisements for e-cigarettes

ACP Supports Ban on Flavoring, Ads for E-Cigarettes

Backers of devices say bans may drive some smokers back to cigarettes
A growing number of American children and teens with type 1 diabetes are experiencing diabetic ketoacidosis at the time of their diagnosis

Increasing Number of Children Present With DKA in T1DM

Researchers point to lack of insurance leading to late diagnosis