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Salsalate increases insulin concentrations by decreasing metabolic clearance of insulin

Salicylates Reduce Metabolic Clearance of Insulin

Increased insulin levels not caused by increased insulin secretion rate
The VenaSeal closure system has been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to treat superficial varicose veins of the legs that cause symptoms.

FDA: New Device Treats Superficial Varicose Veins

Seals the affected superficial veins using an adhesive agent
In the midst of the current resurgence of measles across the United States

Measles Can Lead to Ophthalmic Complications

Most don't cause vision loss and are temporary, but some may damage cornea, retina, optic nerve
Women with multiple sclerosis have lower levels of important antioxidant and anti-inflammatory nutrients than those without the disease

AAN: Low Levels of Key Nutrients and MS Linked in Women

But researchers aren't sure whether differences are a cause of MS or a result of it
The number one determining factor for selecting a doctor is whether the physician is in-network

Patients Say Cost Matters Greatly in Choosing Doctor

Reasons to leave include unprofessional staff, difficulty getting scheduled, long wait to see doctor
Certain trajectories of body mass index during childhood may increase risk of developing type 2 diabetes later in life

Patterns of Childhood Growth May Trigger Type 2 Diabetes

Two pathways with low fat deposition in early life may result in fat acquisition during childhood
A huge recall of products that contain cumin spice possibly contaminated with peanut has been ongoing in the United States since December

FDA: People With Peanut Allergy Should Avoid Cumin Products

Huge recall of products that contain cumin spice possibly contaminated with peanut
Survival rates are improving for many people with cancers of the breast

Americans Living Longer Post-Cancer, but Disparities Remain

Study shows biggest improvements in people diagnosed between ages 50 and 64
New research suggests that a wait-and-watch approach for prostate cancer isn't being used often enough

Radiation Therapy Most Common Treatment for Prostate Cancer

Research raises concerns about possible overuse of radiation therapy
More people are dying from hypothermia in the United States

CDC: Increase in Hypothermia Deaths Over Past Decade

Those most at risk include seniors, the mentally ill, and those living alone