Home 2015
α-Tocopherol Disappearance Depends on Lipids
No age- or sex-related variation in fractional disappearance rates, α-tocopherol absorbed
Shoulder Dystocia Maneuvers Not Tied to Neonatal Harm
No findings of morbidity, injury tied to maneuvers, when adjusting for duration
Balance Compromised in Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy
Greater maximum and range of separations of center of mass from center of pressure in DPN
Hormone Therapy Not Detrimental to Women on Statins
Hormone therapy use actually associated with reduced risk of all-cause mortality
PTEN Regulation of Insulin Resistance Is Sex Specific
Women have downregulation of PTEN gene expression, upregulation of PTEN protein phosphorylation
New Urine Biomarkers Identified for Renal Cell Carcinoma
Clinical utility, specificity, and sensitivity for urine aquaporin-1 and perilipin-2
Exercise Training Cuts Rate of Injurious Falls in Older Women
Reduction in rate of injurious falls and injured fallers; neither exercise nor vitamin D impact fall rate
Lasting Pain Relief With Deep Brain Stimulation in Parkinson’s
Improvement in pain lasts during eight-year follow-up; however, new pain can develop during follow-up
Family-Centered Care Improves Outcomes in Children With ADHD
Working with families on positive, compassionate parenting skills found to be beneficial
Post-9/11 Work at Trade Center Site Ups Autoimmune Dz Risk
Findings among emergency service providers, independent of acute exposure