Home 2015


The diagnostic yield of endobronchial ultrasound-guided transbronchial needle aspiration is not influenced by the type of sedation used

Sedation Type Doesn’t Influence Diagnostic Yield in EBUS-TBNA

Similar diagnostic yield, rate of major complications for moderate sedation, general anesthesia
Uninsured patients may be charged anywhere from two to 43 times what private insurance plans or Medicare pay for chemotherapy medications

Higher Costs of Cancer Care Seen for Uninsured Patients

Chemotherapy fees can be 43 times more than those seen for insured patients
The incidence of carpal tunnel syndrome does not appear to be elevated among patients with rheumatoid arthritis

Carpal Tunnel Incidence Not Higher in Patients With RA

Incidence rate 4.18 per 1,000 person-years; similar to incidence in the general population
An Internet-based cognitive behavioral therapy program can improve attitudes among nulliparous women with severe fear of childbirth

Internet-Based CBT Helps Women With Fear of Childbirth

After therapy, women have more realistic attitude toward childbirth, more self-confidence
Approximately 20 percent of Medicare patients with melanoma face delays in getting surgical treatment

Medicare Beneficiaries With Melanoma May Face Tx Delay

Around one in five Medicare patients experience a surgical delay greater than 1.5 months
Using magnetic resonance imaging to screen people at high genetic risk for pancreatic cancer might help spot tumors early

MRI Could Be Useful Pancreatic Cancer Screen for High-Risk

Small trial suggests the scans might help
Black women are much less likely to report suffering from depression than white women

Less Depression Reported by Black Women

Where women live also appears to affect mental health disorder rates
For adults with diabetes

Additional Attention to Modifiable Risks in DM Could Benefit Greatly

Risk factors account for considerable proportion of CV events, death in those with, without CVD
The quality and completeness of Internet information about cesarean sections is poor

Websites Offer Poor Information About C-Section

Findings based on assessment of Brazilian sites, which often fail to mention risks
A new model accurately identifies potential organ donors following cardiac death in neurocritical patients removed from life support. The findings were published online March 21 in the American Journal of Transplantation.

Model Predicts Cardiac Death After Life Support Withdrawal

Brain death not accepted by Chinese, so model IDs those for organ donation