Home 2015


For patients with Raynaud's phenomenon

Cold Effects on Skin in Raynaud’s Impacted by Age, BMI

Cold-induced decrease in skin temperature inversely linked to age, BMI in patients not controls
Physicians work long hours

Most Docs Work 40 to 60 Hours Per Week

Considerable proportion work 61 to 80 or more hours; half of docs would prefer to work fewer hours
The U.S. epidemic of prescription opioid medication abuse may be starting to reverse course

Epidemic of Rx Opioid Abuse May Be Waning in U.S.

Heroin abuse/overdoses on the rise may be one reason prescription-drug abuse is down
After menopause

Insulin Resistance Ups Breast Cancer Risk Regardless of BMI

Study of postmenopausal women suggests hormone levels matter more than excess weight
Women are underrepresented in leadership roles in obstetrics and gynecology

Women Underrepresented in Leadership Roles in Ob-Gyn

Highest representation of women in family planning; lowest in reproductive endocrinology and infertility
Defensive medicine is commonly practiced among surgeons and radiologists in Austria

Defensive Medicine Common Among Surgeons, Radiologists

More than one-quarter of diagnostics ordered for defensive reasons in Austria
The increasing use of medical scribes should not be a replacement for improving electronic health records

Impact of Medical Scribes on EHR Advancement Discussed

Use of medical scribes should not be replacement for improvement of EHRs
In the United States

Race, Ethnicity Appear to Affect Lupus Prognosis in U.S.

Asians, Hispanics have lower mortality rates
Recommendations are presented for anesthetic care in patients with Ebola virus disease and published online Dec. 30 in Anesthesia & Analgesia.

Review Highlights Anesthetic Implications of Ebola Virus

Limited data relating to Ebola care; use of personal protection equipment important, even in emergencies
For adults with chronic nonspecific back pain

Light Therapy Seems Promising for Nonspecific Back Pain

Reduction in pain intensity, improvement in depressive symptoms in adult patients