Home 2015


The incidence of hospitalizations for pulmonary embolism increased from 2001 to 2010

Incidence of PE Hospitalizations Rises From 2001 to 2010

Seasonal variation seen in PE hospitalizations, with higher number of admissions in winter
A therapy that uses patients' own stem cells may be able to reverse some of the effects of multiple sclerosis

Stem Cells May Help Reverse Multiple Sclerosis Disability

Small initial trial shows improvement for people with relapsing-remitting MS
Coffee drinkers have a lower risk of malignant melanoma

Coffee Consumption Linked With Reduced Melanoma Risk

Trend toward more protection with higher intake
Older patients hospitalized with pneumonia appear to have an increased risk of myocardial infarction

Cardiovascular Risks of Pneumonia May Linger for Years

Risk highest in first month after pneumonia but remains 1.5 times higher over subsequent years
Although use of intracytoplasmic sperm injection has doubled in the past decade

Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection Rates Have Doubled

But the procedure is not always tied to better outcomes
Increased Medicaid reimbursement to primary care providers is associated with improved appointment availability

Higher Medicaid Reimbursement Ups Appointment Availability

Increased reimbursement to primary care providers linked to more availability of appointments
Prone sleeping may boost risk of sudden death in epilepsy

Prone Sleep Position Tied to Higher Mortality in Epilepsy

Higher risk found in those younger than 40
Regular exercise doesn't erase the higher risk of serious illness or premature death that comes from sitting too much each day

Prolonged Sitting Is Health Hazard, Despite Exercise

Biggest health hazard resulting from prolonged sitting is type 2 diabetes
People undergoing chemotherapy and radiation for cancer may get an emotional lift from man's best friend

Therapy Dogs May Help Patients Persevere With Cancer Treatment

'I would've stopped the treatment, but I wanted to come see the dog'
The adverse reproductive effects of 1

Vitamin B-12, Folate Mitigate Reproductive Effects of DDT

In women with vitamin B-12 deficiency, high DDT linked to lower incidence of clinical pregnancy