Home 2015


For patients in the developing world

Increased Physical Activity Seen After TKR in Developing World

Study in Dominican Republic shows participation in physical activities up in varied life domains
The overuse of antibiotics to treat travelers' diarrhea may contribute to the spread of drug-resistant superbugs

Overuse of Abx for Travelers’ Diarrhea Creating Superbugs

Researchers recommend caution when using antibiotics to treat digestive ills while abroad
The risk for developing a glioma appears to go up with long-term use of hormonal contraceptives

Hormonal Contraceptives Linked to Higher Risk of Glioma

But odds of any one user getting the tumor remain extremely small, experts stress
For postangiography patients

Metabolic Syndrome May Raise Death Risk Postangiography

Significantly increased risk for stable patients but not for those with acute coronary syndrome
Ebola virus-infected pregnant women are at risk for adverse maternal and fetal outcomes

Risks for Ebola Virus-Infected Pregnant Women Discussed

Limited data suggest increased risks of adverse neonatal and maternal outcomes
Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery strongly predicts insulin cessation after surgery in insulin-treated type 2 diabetes patients

Roux-en-Y Surgery Can Reverse Insulin Treatment in T2DM

RYGB predicts insulin therapy cessation early after surgery, independent of weight
For occupational groups in cancer care

More Stressors for Radiation Therapists Than Oncology Nurses

Also have high coping strategy frequency; no difference in anxiety, depression, burnout, well-being
For patients with recalcitrant psoriasis associated with episodes of tonsillitis

Tonsillectomy May Benefit Tonsillitis-Associated Psoriasis

Review shows improvement in psoriasis for some patients; improvement not always sustained
Acupuncture is a feasible adjunct therapy for short-term postsurgical pain management in total joint replacement

Acupuncture Viable for Pain Relief After Joint Replacement

Short-term pain reduction with adjunct acupuncture offered after hip, knee replacement
Benefit from routine anticoagulation therapy to reduce risk of ischemic stroke may be unlikely in patients with atrial fibrillation and a CHA2DS2-VASc score of 1

Routine Oral Anticoagulants May Not Benefit All With A-Fib

Ischemic stroke risk lower than thought in those with atrial fibrillation and CHA2DS2-VASc score of 1