Home 2015


Only about one in two U.S. nursing home workers receive an annual flu vaccination

Flu Vaccination Rates for Nursing Home Staff Too Low

Many nursing home workers have mistaken beliefs about the flu and vaccination
One out of three adults would sooner face a shorter life span than take a daily pill to prevent cardiovascular disease

One in Three Prefer Earlier Death to Daily Pill

One of three survey respondents rejected the idea even if it meant a shorter life
Infections are the most likely reason people end up back in the hospital after surgery

Infection Most Common Readmission Reason Post-Surgery

Knowing why readmissions happen is first step in reducing them, researcher says
A healthy diet might reduce the risk of developing chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

Healthy Diet Independently Tied to Lower Risk of COPD

Consuming less red meat, soda and alcohol tied to less COPD in study
Only about 40 percent of the nearly $2.9 billion in international aid pledged to the Ebola outbreak in West Africa had reached the hard-hit countries of Guinea

Fewer Than Half of Ebola Pledges Have Reached Area in Need

Just 40 percent of pledged aid has been received by hardest hit countries
If more women had access to modern birth control methods and used them correctly

Debunking Contraception Myths to Reduce Unintended Pregnancy

Study of 35 nations shows underuse of current contraception options
Researchers have developed a blood test that they say could help neurologists detect Parkinson's disease and track the illness as it progresses. The study was published online Feb. 2 in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Biomarkers Show Potential for Parkinson’s Diagnosis

Researchers also hope it will help doctors track treatment
Lung cancer has overtaken breast cancer as the leading cancer killer of women in developed countries

Lung Cancer Now Leads Cancer Mortality in Developed Nations

Leading cancer killer of American women for many years
In response to concerns from internists and medical specialty societies

ABIM: Immediate Changes Announced for MOC Program

Practice Assessment, Patient Voice, Patient Safety requirements being suspended effective immediately
Monounsaturated fatty acids may reduce inflammation and improve insulin sensitivity in adipose tissue

Monounsaturated Fatty Acids May Improve Adipose Dysfunction

Study in mice shows MUFAs impede adipose interleukin-1β secretion and insulin resistance