Home 2015


Brief daytime naps might protect against the harmful health effects of a poor night's sleep

Naps Counteract Negative Effects of Sleep Deprivation

Naps appear to restore norepinephrine and interleukin-6 levels to normal
Researchers say they have identified eight specific physical signs that strongly indicate impending death in patients with advanced cancer. The findings have been reported online Feb. 9 in Cancer.

Eight Clinical Signs of Impending Death Identified

Findings in patients with advanced cancer could help families prepare, aid end-of-life care choices
Shorter shifts for medical residents don't appear to be making any big improvements in doctors' fatigue levels or in patient care

Advantages of Shorter Resident Shifts Found Lacking

Shorter medical resident duty hours may be worse for patients and only slightly better for residents
For most pregnant patients with benign spine tumors

Case Series Addresses Spine Tumors in Pregnancy

Most women with benign spine tumors can wait for surgery until after delivery
Physicians should be prepared for questions about the safety of the measles

AMA Provides Key Messages for Patients About Vaccination

Physicians should be prepared for patients to ask questions about MMR and link to autism
For children and adolescents with an adnexal mass

One-Quarter of Adnexal Masses in Youth Are Malignant

Presence of gynecologic surgeon lowers odds of oophorectomy in benign masses
Different angiotensin receptor blockers have distinct potencies for suppressing adrenal β-arrestin1-dependent post-myocardial infarction hyperaldosteronism

Some Angiotensin Receptor Blockers More Potent Than Others

Candesartan and valsartan most efficacious post-MI hyperaldosteronism suppressors
Certain nonpharmacologic treatments are effective in pediatric abdominal pain-related functional gastrointestinal disorders

Review: Some Nonpharmacologic Tx Effective in Peds GI Disorders

Improvements with hypnotherapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, probiotics in AP-FGIDs

Smartphone ECGs Have Similar Accuracy to Standard ECGs

Smartphone and standard ECGs detect atrial rate and rhythm, AV block, QRS delay with equal accuracy
Resting-state functional brain connectivity magnetic resonance imaging can predict response to psychotherapy in major depressive disorder

Resting-State Connectivity Predicts Psychotherapy Response

Pretreatment connectivity can predict response to psychotherapy in major depressive disorder