Home 2015


Even as the need for heart transplants increases

More Donor Hearts Discarded Even As Need Grows

Uniform guidelines needed that specify which hearts are acceptable for transplantation, experts say
Adults who had low vitamin D levels as children and teens may be more likely to have atherosclerosis

Low Childhood Vitamin D Levels May Up Adult CVD Risk

Chances of atherosclerosis were higher in those who did not get enough of the vitamin when young
Implantable cardioverter-defibrillators may not benefit all patients to the same degree

ICDs May Provide Little Benefit When Implanted Over Age 70

ICDs lead to extended survival in those at high risk for sudden cardiac death, less so for those over 70
A review of 52

Health Benefits of Moderate Drinking May Be Overestimated

Not all factors considered in previous studies, researchers say
Given that physicians are chosen for meaningful use audits at random

Seven Tips Help Doctors Prepare for Meaningful Use Audits

Best way to prepare for an audit is to assume it will happen and make sure MU requirements are met
For infants with atopic dermatitis

Human Breast Milk Effective for Infants With Atopic Dermatitis

Topical application of breast milk found to be as effective as hydrocortisone 1 percent ointment
Children with type 1 diabetes have an increased risk of psychiatric disorders

Risk of Psychiatric Disorders Up for Children With T1DM

Increased risk of psychiatric morbidity most pronounced in six months after diagnosis
For patients undergoing posterior transtubular microscopic assisted spinal surgery

Post-Op Infection Rate Low for Minimally Invasive Spine Sx

Very low rate for patients undergoing posterior transtubular microscopic assisted spinal surgery
Medication combined with a multidisciplinary rehabilitation program can decrease disability and improve mental health in low back pain patients over several years

Multidisciplinary Approach Successful in Chronic Back Pain

Continuation of multidisciplinary program improves disability, mental health over 30 months
Acupuncture seems feasible for treatment of women with vulvodynia

Acupuncture Deemed Feasible for Vulvodynia

Reduction in vulvar pain and dyspareunia; improvement in overall sexual function