Home 2015


Cancer patients who let their doctors make all the decisions are less likely to rate their care as excellent compared to patients who participate in their medical decisions

Perception of Cancer Care Quality Higher When Patient Involved

But researchers still unclear as to whether shared decision-making results in better outcomes
Neurosurgeons are more likely to practice defensive medicine in states with high state-level liability risk

Defensive Neurosurgery Up in States With High Liability Risk

Neurosurgeons' perceptions of state's liability environment correspond with objective risk
For older adults at high risk of mobility disability

MetS Prevalent Among Seniors at Risk of Mobility Disability

No consistent observations between metabolic syndrome and walking speed, self-reported disability
Since the publication of the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force guidelines for mammography in 2009

Mammography Rates Down Since 2009 USPSTF Guidelines

Decrease among white, Hispanic, and Asian women, but not among black women
Prenatal exposure to tobacco is associated with shorter fetal telomere length

Maternal Smoking Linked to Shorter Fetal Telomere Length

Tobacco exposure may result in early intrauterine programming
New research from South Africa suggests that HIV may not be a barrier for kidney transplants between people infected with the virus. The study appears in the Feb. 12 issue of the New England Journal of Medicine.

HIV+ to HIV+ Kidney Transplantation May Be Feasible

South African researchers report 'impressive' results in 27 cases
According to the U.S. Surgeon General

Deaths Due to Smoking Underestimated in U.S.

Each year, 60,000 more smokers die from causes associated with smoking, researchers say
As part of American Heart Month

AMA: Use American Heart Month to Focus on Patients’ BP

AMA provides three questions for physicians to ask when measuring blood pressure
All patients undergoing chemotherapy or immunosuppressive therapies should undergo routine screening for active or prior hepatitis B viral infection

Hepatitis B Screening Endorsed Pre-Immunosuppressive Tx

Antiviral tx recommended to prevent reactivation for those found to be hepatitis B surface antigen-positive
Creatine monohydrate doesn't appear to slow the progression of Parkinson's disease

Findings Do Not Support Creatine for Parkinson’s Rx

Research in mice had suggested oral creatine supplementation might help