Home 2015


Significant risk factors for low back pain include fatigue

Fatigue, Distraction Play Role in Risk of Low Back Pain

Another big culprit: manual labor that involves awkward positions
For the youngest and oldest

New Sleep Guidelines Issued by National Sleep Foundation

Biggest changes for infants, elderly
The Achilles tendon can handle downhill running better than previously thought; the key is to transition gradually to downhill running

Achilles Tendon Handles Downhill Running Better Than Thought

The key is to transition gradually, researcher says
For patients with hepatitis C virus

Cost-Effectiveness of Immediate HCV Rx in Early Disease Analyzed

Rx tied to substantial costs that may compel clinicians, patients to consider delaying treatment
Clinical interventions should be implemented to help cancer survivors make lifestyle behavior changes

Cancer Survivors Need Healthful Lifestyle Advice

Oncology care teams should provide guidance on lifestyle change as part of survivorship care
Elevated levels of plasma D-dimer are associated with attacks of hereditary angioedema due to C1 esterase inhibitor deficiency

D-Dimer Levels Up in C1-INH Deficient Hereditary Angioedema

However, rhC1INH therapy not associated with thrombotic events
For patients with metastatic colorectal cancer

Wide Variation in Hospital Tx Patterns for Metastatic CRC

Use of metastatic site surgery, multiagent chemo increases as hospitals' volume of services increases
Cutaneous and subdermal hormonal contraceptives do not induce endothelial activation after four months of use

Contraceptive Patch, Implant Not Tied to Endothelial Activation

Not found to induce endothelial activation after four months of use
Observation is increasingly being used among men with low-risk prostate cancer who are young and healthy enough for treatment

Observation Increasingly Used in Younger Men With Prostate CA

From 2004 to 2009, marked increase in observation among men with low-risk disease
Spectators of stereoscopic three-dimensional movies report a higher level of external than internal symptoms

More Visual Symptoms for Stereoscopic 3D Movie Viewers

Higher level of external symptoms than internal symptoms for S3D spectators