Home 2015


Patients with mitral regurgitation have less depression and anxiety after they undergo surgical repair

Mitral Valve Repair Could Improve Mental Health

Researchers find procedure leads to reduced depression and anxiety
Psychological stress correlates with increased risk of peptic ulcer

Stress Ups Risk of Peptic Ulcer Regardless of H. Pylori Status

Psychological stress increases the incidence of peptic ulcer, in part by influencing health risk behaviors
An invasive strategy using coronary angiography results in a better outcome in elderly patients with non-ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndrome

Invasive Strategy Improves Outcome in Elderly With ACS

Outcome better with coronary angiography for non-ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndrome
For many people

Genetic Mutations Found in Leukemia Rise With Age

But just having cancer-linked DNA doesn't mean the disease will develop, study authors stress
The dentist's office may be a good place to screen people for diabetes

Screening for DM at Dental Visit May Be Effective Strategy

Researchers find testing blood from mouth is as accurate as finger prick at diagnosing condition
Many U.S. politicians and media outlets hyped the threat of U.S. cases of Ebola last year

Dr. Craig Spencer Speaks Out About His Ebola Experience

Says society needs to have faith in the science-based infection-control protocols developed
More than nine in 10 epilepsy patients who had brain surgery to try to control their seizures are happy they did so

Patients Give Favorable Report of Epilepsy Surgery

92 percent said it was worthwhile, with fewer seizures and higher quality of life
Key steps should be taken to minimize the potential risk of liability resulting from use of telemedicine

AMA: Key Steps for Minimizing Liability Risk in Telemedicine

Include defining minimum requirement necessary for establishing doctor-patient relationship
For postmenopausal women

Oral Bisphosphonate Use Tied to Lower Endometrial Cancer Risk

Reduction in endometrial cancer risk with ever use in large cohort of postmenopausal women
Chronic fatigue syndrome appears to be linked to specific changes in a person's immune system

Distinct Immune Changes Seen in Patients With Chronic Fatigue Sx

Researchers saw evidence only in first three years of disease; findings could lead to early test