Home 2015


National hospital rating systems are rarely in agreement

National Hospital Rating Systems Rarely in Agreement

None of the hospitals rated as high performer on all four national rating systems
The gluteus maximus muscle presents atrophy after gluteal augmentation surgery with implants

Atrophy Seen in Gluteus Maximus Post Gluteal Augmentation

Volume of the gluteus muscle reduced by about 6 percent
Successful cognitive behavioral therapy for an anxiety disorder in childhood is associated with lasting protection against suicidal ideation

Psychotherapy for Child Anxiety Offers Long-Term Benefits

Responders less likely to endorse lifetime, past-month, past-two-week suicidal ideation
Extended pre-quit bupropion is associated with reduced smoking behavior during the pre-quit period and improved short-term abstinence rates

Extended Pre-Cessation Bupropion Helps Smokers Quit

Reduces smoking behavior during the pre-quit period; improves short-term abstinence rates
Female medical students perform at the same or higher level as men

Confidence Gap Between Male and Female Med Students

Women's answers more accurate than men's, but they are less confident in their responses
Otologic symptoms and hearing loss are more common among patients with HIV than uninfected controls

More Otologic Symptoms, Hearing Loss for HIV-Infected

Odds of hearing loss up for HAART-naive patients, those receiving first-, second-line HAART
Most lung and colorectal cancer patients involve family members in treatment decisions

Most Cancer Patients Involve Family in Treatment Decisions

Chinese-speaking Asians, Spanish-speaking Hispanics more often share decisions with family
In accordance with the changes in graduate medical education to better prepare doctors for a changing health care system

Changes Being Made to Med School Applicant Assessment

New skills being emphasized on MCAT; multiple mini-interview technique being adopted
A model has been proposed to explain the influence of inadequate vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids on brain dysfunction via serotonin levels

Model Explores Impact of Vitamin D, Omega-3 Deficiency

Model explains influence of inadequate levels of vitamin D, omega-3 fatty acids on brain dysfunction
Statin drugs may significantly increase a person's risk of developing type 2 diabetes

Statins Tied to Decreased Insulin Sensitivity, Secretion

Large Finnish study found a nearly 50 percent increase in DM for people taking statins