Home 2015


For patients undergoing coronary artery bypass graft surgery

Anesthesiologists Impact CABG Surgery Outcomes

Rate of death, major complications varies significantly across anesthesiologists
Using chlorhexidine to clean the umbilical cords of infants born outside of a hospital lowers infant infection and death rates in developing countries

Cleaning Umbilical Cord With Chlorhexidine Lowers Mortality

Findings useful for home births in developing countries
A child may face an increased risk of asthma if the child's mother or father experienced depression during the pregnancy or if the mother took an older antidepressant to treat her condition

Paternal, Maternal Depression May Up Asthma Risk for Baby

And older, but not newer, antidepressants in pregnancy showed similar increased odds
The Nebraska Biocontainment Unit has implemented a thorough process for decontamination after treatment of patients with potential or confirmed Ebola virus disease

Article Details Decontamination Process After Ebola Care

Nebraska Biocontainment Unit process includes cleaning of recovered patients, disposal of remains
A vegetarian diet might cut the risk of colorectal cancer by 20 percent

Vegetarian Diet Tied to Reduced Risk of Colorectal Cancer

Benefits greatest for fish eaters, researchers say
A family history of prostate cancer may be tied to a woman's risk of breast cancer

Family Hx of Prostate CA May Increase Risk of Breast CA Too

Doctors should ask about medical history of first-degree male relatives, researchers say
Hard physical work

Physical Labor, High BP, Multiple Meds Affect Male Fertility

All among the factors that may lower sperm quality and make men less fertile
A monthly educational intervention paired with a web-based quality improvement tool is feasible for increasing the proportion of inappropriate proton pump inhibitor prescriptions discontinued at hospital discharge

Educational Intervention Can Cut Inappropriate PPI Prescriptions

Increase in proportion of PPIs discontinued at hospital discharge after intervention implementation
For patients with central cord syndrome

Various Factors Influence Central Cord Syndrome Management

Patient, surgical, institutional factors influence surgical management and mortality
Short-chain fatty acids

Short-Chain Fatty Acids in Diet Stimulate Fat Utilization

Short-chain fatty acids induce receptor-dependent switch from lipogenesis to fat oxidation in mice