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More than half of coronary angiographic studies done to investigate suspected ischemic heart disease would be classified as appropriate according to the 2012 appropriate use criteria for diagnostic catheterization. The findings were published in the March 10 issue of the Annals of Internal Medicine.

More Than Half of Angiograms for IHD Deemed Appropriate

Overall, 58.2 percent of angiographic studies classified as appropriate for suspected IHD

Age, Race May Affect Tx Decision Regret in Prostate Cancer

Type of treatment, effect on spousal relationship also may predict treatment decisional regret
Ubiquinone (UQ) does not act as an antioxidant in vivo

Study Explores In Vivo Role of Ubiquinone in Mouse Model

Partial restoration of UQ levels, mitochondrial function can reverse disease phenotypes
Coronary heart disease

Stress + Depression = Deadly Combo in Heart Disease

Significant risk of heart attack or death in the short term
The timeliness of outpatient follow-up after discharge matters most for patients with multiple chronic conditions and a greater than 20 percent baseline risk of readmission

Patients With Multiple Conditions Need Early Outpatient Follow-Up

Benefits those discharged with multiple chronic conditions and greater risk of readmission
Subthreshold manic or hypomanic episodes may be a diagnostic precursor to bipolar disorder in the children of parents with bipolar disorder

Subthreshold Mania May Mean Bipolarity in High-Risk Youth

Subthreshold episodes are a diagnostic risk factor in offspring of parents with bipolar disorder
Labiaplasty is safe

Labiaplasty Considered Safe, With High Patient Satisfaction

However, current practices remain greatly diverse
A new study in mice hints at the success of a vaccine against the herpes simplex virus. The research was published online March 9 in eLife.

HSV-2 Vaccine Shows Promise in Experimental Research

Study in mice hints at the success of a vaccine against the virus
When an older patient breaks the upper arm

Surgery Seldom Needed for Fracture of Proximal Humerus

In elderly, healing was just as efficient -- and safer -- when arm was immobilized in sling
When patients survive sepsis

Hospitalizations After Sepsis Resolution Often Preventable

Readmissions often for diseases, conditions that can be treated after first discharge