Home 2015


A new model has been proposed for classification of hypersensitivity/allergic diseases ahead of the 11th revision of the International Classification of Diseases

New Model Proposed for Hypersensitivity/Allergic Disease

International collaboration validated classification proposal using crowdsourcing
Management of pain is an important component in improving the quality of care in hospitals from a patient's perspective

Patients Say Pain Control Is Key to Quality of Care in Hospitals

Patient-provider shared decision-making may improve pain outcomes
For patients with early-onset colorectal cancer

Frequency of Germline TP53 Mutations ID’d in Early-Onset CRC

Germline mutations detected at a frequency of 1.3 percent in patients with early-onset colorectal cancer
Your voice may be the key to landing a new job

Getting Heard May Be Key to Getting New Job

Pitch for job was more convincing when evaluators heard it than when they read it
For patients with knee osteoarthritis

Long-Term NSAID Use Beneficial in Knee Osteoarthritis

Improvements in pain, stiffness, physical function, and in knee joint space width
For patients with acute thoracic herpes zoster

Single Paravertebral Blockade Seems Safe in Herpes Zoster

Safe and effective treatment modality in patients with acute thoracic herpes zoster
Researchers are not promptly reporting the results of clinical trials to

Clinical Trial Data Often Not Reported in Timely Manner

Delays in filing findings on new treatments mean patients aren't informed, researcher says
There's yet another study looking at the potential dangers of hormone replacement therapy for menopausal symptoms

More Support for ‘Timing Hypothesis’ in HRT Use

No cardiovascular disease protective effect seen
While concerns remain regarding the long-term health effects of hormonal therapy on transgender patients

No Higher Odds of Breast Cancer in Transgender Patients

Research based on VA medical records finds no increase in risk, despite use of hormone Rx
A majority of Americans taking part in a new poll said they'd be interested in genetic testing to see if they or their children are at risk for serious illnesses. The findings were published online March 6 in Public Health Genomics.

Poll: Majority of Americans Interested in Genetic Testing

But researchers wonder if everyone is adept at accurately interpreting test results