Home 2015


Urine aquaporin-1 and perilipin-2 seem to have utility as biomarkers for diagnosing malignant clear cell or papillary renal cell carcinoma in a screening paradigm

New Urine Biomarkers Identified for Renal Cell Carcinoma

Clinical utility, specificity, and sensitivity for urine aquaporin-1 and perilipin-2
For older women

Exercise Training Cuts Rate of Injurious Falls in Older Women

Reduction in rate of injurious falls and injured fallers; neither exercise nor vitamin D impact fall rate
For patients with Parkinson's disease

Lasting Pain Relief With Deep Brain Stimulation in Parkinson’s

Improvement in pain lasts during eight-year follow-up; however, new pain can develop during follow-up
For children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder

Family-Centered Care Improves Outcomes in Children With ADHD

Working with families on positive, compassionate parenting skills found to be beneficial
Workers with prolonged exposure at the World Trade Center site following 9/11 are at increased risk of developing systemic autoimmune diseases

Post-9/11 Work at Trade Center Site Ups Autoimmune Dz Risk

Findings among emergency service providers, independent of acute exposure
Researchers have developed a new tool that may predict short-term glycemic progression to type 1 diabetes. The findings were published online March 10 in Diabetes Care.

Tool May Predict Short-Term Progression to Type 1 Diabetes

May be useful for assessing preventive treatments in autoantibody-positive relatives
The incidence rate of fractures is significantly higher in patients following hematopoietic stem-cell transplantation compared to the general U.S. population

Fracture Rate Higher Following Stem Cell Transplant

Findings in patients undergoing stem cell transplant versus general U.S. population
A multifaceted intervention can improve hand hygiene compliance among emergency nurses and technicians

Intervention Improves Hand Hygiene Compliance in Nurses

Emergency nurses, technicians participated in experiential learning activities
Dietary omega-3 fatty acid supplementation is associated with improvement in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder symptoms for children with ADHD and typically developing children

Dietary Omega-3 Supplements Improve ADHD Symptoms

Improvement in parent-rated attention for boys with ADHD and typically developing controls
For patients with acute liver failure

Live Donor Transplant Good Option in Acute Liver Failure

No difference in incidence of post-op complications versus deceased donor liver transplant